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PT Cosmowave Indonesia
PT Cosmowave Indonesia
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New Arrivals EV Series Tester
Differential Pressure Type : LS-R902EV
Flow Type : AL-R302EV

The standard for large EV battery
leak testing
Precision leak test
High-accuracy leak testing of large EV BATTERY ASSY , which has a volume of over 100L and is accompanied by deformation, is realized
Equipped with a highly reliable differential pressure sensor
Actual volumetric flow rate (mL/min) and pressure drop (differential pressure Pa) can be selected Equipped with environmental temperature correction function Corresponds to cooling channel leaks
Equipped with a newly developed flow sensor
Equipped with newly developed air circuit assembly Equipped with
test pressure fluctuation compensation function Equipped with
environment temperature compensation function
Built-in CISVAS filter

Cosmo Intelligent Suitable
Value Auto Sort
EV Series
Air Leak Tester
Air Leak Tester

Air Leak Tester

 Air Leak Tester ~blog/2023/10/11/pxfuel 1
Air Leak Tester adalah detektor kebocoran otomatis yang mendeteksi kebocoran dengan perubahan kecil pada pembandingan tekanan dan melakukan penilaian hasil OK / NG. Idealnya digabungkan bersama jalur produksi untuk tujuan penghematan tenaga kerja dan kontrol kualitas
LS R902
di penuhi dengan fitur-fitur canggih yang disempurnakan berdasarkan
seluruh pengetahuan dan pengalaman kami selama ini
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Air Leak Tester
Air Flow Tester
Air Flow Tester

Air Flow Tester

 Air Flow Tester
Pengujian aliran angin / udara yang digabungkan dengan katup yang dioperasikan udara dan pengatur waktu tes. Tersedia bervariasi rentang pengukuran dari F.S. 10 ML/MIN hingga F.S. 500 L/MIN. Mengedepankan konsep pengukuran otomatisasi dan penghematan tenaga kerja
Digital Flow
Flow test under various test pressures
Pass/Fail judgment based on flow rate
Flow measurement of many types of products
Test data acquisition, Data management with PC
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Air Flow Tester
Digital Pressure Gauge

Digital Pressure Gauge

 Digital Pressure Gauge
Mencakup dari tekanan yang terkecil (sekala 200Pa) sampai Tekanan angin besar (sekala 50MPa) pun tersedia..
DP Gauge
highly fungtional digital pressure gauges witch rich fungtional ready to meet variious specifications
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 Movelet img produk home 877x389
Movelet inline tester yang telah dikembangkan untuk melakukan inspeksi otomatis yang berbasis pada suara atau getaran. Perangkat analisis yang dikembangkan internal yang mampu menganalisa data bentuk gelombang dari produk tes, sesuai dengan berbagai kriteria penilaian hasil tes.
Analisa Movelet mengkualifikasikan getaran dari suara yang di buat dari pergerakan benda yang sedang di test, Analisa dari system movelete
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MC Chamber
In the master Comparisson method, a non leaking reference part is used as master. Master Chamber can also be used in place of this master.
a variety of master chamber are available, allowing you to closely match the caracteristics of the actual work. The robust structure offers long-yherm stability. Chambers dedicated to mastering process are also available
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Coupler & Sealing
All our products are custom-made and designed to meet the needs of each customer.
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PT. Cosmowave
Jl. Samsung Raya, Bizpark Blok A-25 Kawasan Industri Jababeka Innovation Center (pintu 6) Cikarang Utara - Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530. Indonesia
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