Air Leak Tester is the automatic leak detector which detects any leak by the minute change of differential pressure and conducts OK/NG judgment. Idealy to be built into a production line for a laborsaving and a quality control purposes
LS 1866
Compact Body with Excellent Feasures
“LS-1866” is not only compact and lightweight but simple and easy to use Air Leak Tester. Compact size body with the latest functions such as Master Preset, Multi-channel and mL/min display of Leak Rate etc.
Fitur dan Fungsi Khusus
- Ukuran yang kompak memungkinkan penempatan yang fleksibel - Tersedia signal untuk clamping* - sangat efisien untuk pengukuran part kecil - Mepermudah pengoparasian - I/O pin yang sudah tersedia