Air Leak Tester is the automatic leak detector which detects any leak by the minute change of differential pressure and conducts OK/NG judgment. Idealy to be built into a production line for a laborsaving and a quality control purposes
LS R910
Leak test untuk multi pressure
Dengan ukuran yang lebih besar dari ukuran standarnya LS-R900 menawarkan fitur untuk test menggunakan 2 spesifikasi tekanan angin (Inlet A dan Inlet B). Kombinasi dari 2 tekanan (Low press 10 S/D 90 Kpa dan Medium press 100 S/D 700 Kpa) dapat dipilih dari Tabel Grade. Hingga dua regulator elektronik dapat diatur dalam penguji kebocoran
Fitur dan Fungsi Khusus
The large frame body developed with the basic specification of LS-R900 offers a feature to switch between 2 test pressures (Inlet A and Inlet B). The combination of the 2 pressures (Inlet A and Inlet B) can be selected from the Grade Table. Up to two EP regulators can be set in the leak tester